Friday, January 29, 2010

Maybe My body likes the extra warmth?

Why do I stay at about 145? Is it because it is winter and my body likes the extra insulation? I donno? If I could just loose 15-20 pounds I'd be really happy. I've been doing my exercises and eating right. Still hoovering. Maybe it's cause I am still nursing? I have heard you keep an extra 10 pounds or so when you nurse. Is this true? Any suggestions for me? I've been thinking about resorting to running up and down the stairs here at the house.

Any advice would be wonderful!

P.S- I do realize my boobs have NOT shrunk. They are still stinking HUGE compared to before. Even though Will only nurses twice a day at MOST, they are still ginormous. And thus, if they do not shrink, I will still be about 5 pounds heavier then before I got pregnant. I need a tredmill. Or a jogging stroller.

Monday, January 11, 2010


I've been doing so great with my eating, when I think about eating a cheeseburger or something, I would rather barf. That's a good thing right?

My EasyTone shoes should be here next week or the week after! Yay for better legs and a better butt! haha

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Year, New Me!

I've been doing really well with my eating lately. It's made me feel great. (Although, I still love my coca-cola!) Lots of whole or multi-grains, healthy snacks and fruits and veggies. At lunch I try to have salad with nuts, fruit and chicken in it. At dinner, since there is always someone else preparing the meal for us, I fill my plate with 2/3's full of salad and veggies. I don't deny myself either. If I want something sweet, I eat it with my meal. You will digest your dessert with your meal. I am going to exercise 3-4 times weekly. Even if it is just for 10 minutes a day.

I have been making goals that are too drastic. I do my "routine" for a week, then quit because I realize it's just not realistic. I can't exepct myself to work out for an hour everyday, espeically when I have a good book I am reading. So, working out 10-30 3-4 times a week and just eating better are my goals. My goal is to be healthy, (an smokin hot, as well) but I am not going to build up all this hope to looking great in a month or something. It's just not going to work like that for me. I worked out everyday for an hour in high school and college, but I had a gym, TIME, and FRIENDS to help support me. Now, I am on my own, working out to a dvd on my tv at home. Awesome. So, I'll take it slow. No drastic diets...yet. No drastic goals. Just work my way up to higher intervals. I do know that it would be easier for me if I had a friend to work out with, but maybe this will be a chance for me to do something on my own.